We have all been really busy at The TV MegaSite putting so much news and other stuff up, that I just haven't had any time to blog! Way too much to do and not enough time or volunteers.
We now have recaps of the TV show "Vampire Diaries". Katya is writing them, and she is an excellent writer. She has been starting with the first season so far...we still have writers who are catching up on episodes of "The O.C." and "24".
We can always use more recap writers!!
We are still building the pages for newer shows like The Mentalist, Dexter, Mad Men, and much more. Jacques and I have been working on that whenever we have the time.
Of course we are all deeply shocked and saddened by the cancellation of "All My Children" and "One Life to Live". I have been putting up a list of all of their sponsors and contact information so that you can write to the show and their sponsors to protest. Other fan protest pages and information is found on our AMC Links Page. There are a lot of rumors that General Hospital is next on the chopping block, so make sure to write your letter to the show to tell them not to cancel it!
Of course, as long as there are soaps, we will be keeping up our pages with transcripts, updates, short recaps, and best lines!
Nowadays I tend to post any TV-related stuff that's important to me on our new TV Facebook page, so please check it out!
This time of year is tough because the TV networks announce which of our favorite shows are not returning. Personally, I am still upset that Stargate Universe, Capricorn, Medium, Terriers, and Lights Out are not coming back, but now I also have to add Human Target to the list. I'm not really shocked, but still upset.
I am very relieved, though, that Fringe was not canceled. I hope that CSI: NY, V, and Brothers and Sisters will return...
This week is the series finale of Smallville, and that is very sad for me. Even though the show can sometimes be really stupid, most of the time I love it, and I will really miss it. I love all sorts of Superman shows and movies, and I never missed an episode of this show.
Which of your favorite shows have gone or are staying? Let me know!
Suzanne thanks for this wonderful sharing. Your post is extremely interesting. I want Gossip Girl series must go on. Its my favorite show.